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Ich will ein Haus von Dir!

Marketing Automation – Data Driven Matchmaking, Tinder for Real Estate Prospective Buyers.

I want a house from you!

“You’ll own nothing and be happy”? No way. But if you have crazy ideas like buying your own property, you know it’s not that easy, especially in popular metropolitan areas. A pinch of the sharing economy can be helpful: With the new app from Husmates, you can now find co-owners for your own property as easily as a Tinder date, at least in Toronto.

By app to the apartment.

“Current real estate prices in major cities are forcing us to think creatively about homeownership, and we believe that co-ownership is the ideal solution.” Canadian start-up Husmates has developed an app that brings together potential co-owners of properties: the mission of Husmates is to create households (Hus) of shared shareholders (Mates).

Swipe right to move in.

Buying a house together with strangers may be next level compared to a spontaneous fling, but Husmates works just like dating apps: Users create a profile and describe their lifestyle, their financial situation, aesthetic preferences and their ideas about a property. They can then search the app for suitable co-owners with whom to invest in a property. If interested, they click “Match” and wait for confirmation. The user:s can then chat and arrange a meeting where “Husmates” helps to establish a co-owning partnership.

This is how to live more beautifully today.

Whether the homeowners association holds? It is to be hoped. After all, Co-Ownership Experts and Husmates founders Lesli Gaynor and Parimal Gosai bring over 18 years of combined experience in real estate co-ownership and want nothing less than to bring about real systemic change in the real estate industry to make homeownership more accessible. And for that we give you a big Super-Like.

By the way: If you also need a cool configurator to find the perfect match in your data, just ask GROW Digital Group! We are guaranteed to have a solution that fits you perfectly.

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Jörg Kappmeyer | Geschäftsführer redhotmagma

“The greatest treasure trove of data is worthless if you don’t get it analyzed properly. Today, real time machine learning opens up completely new possibilities for us. The result? Data-Driven Matchmaking Made in Heaven.”

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