The GROW Digital Group management team.
Where GROW Digital Group is also heading in the future: We make sure it stays on track, does well and finds valuable partners along the way who share our values and make us even better. Do you want to become part of GROW Digital Group personally or with your company? You can find more information here:

Lutz Jurkat
CEO lutz.jurkat@grow-digital.group
„From our 15 highly specialised partners …
… bring on board the agencies
that offer the perfect solution for our customers’ requirements. Nothing more or less – this is what GROW offers.“

Michael Büttner
CFO michael.buettner@grow-digital.group

Lea Böggemann
COO lea.boeggemann@grow-digital.group

Jan Schmid
Head of Agency & Technology Integration jan.schmid@grow-digital.group

Mathilda Heuer
Junior Online Marketing Manager mathilda.heuer@grow-digital.group

Deborah Schürmann
Team assistance deborah.schuermann@grow-digital.group