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Generative AI

Marketing Automation: Generative AI

Digital talent, fresh from AI.

Interns at GROW Digital Group should not be fetching coffee, but should be rewarded and spurred on for their curiosity and dedication. After all, they are people. So … if they are human beings.

When the interns know the Internet by heart.

There is a current trend among young people towards nonbinary identity. It’s quite different with Aiko and Aiden though, they are as binary as it gets. They are, in fact, AI software models who have each started a three-month internship with US tech marketing agency Codeword. There, of course, they work to their flesh-and-blood team leads, completing simple but necessary tasks in the blink of an eye. Research, initial generation of editorial content or compilation of mood boards. This helps streamlining processes and leaves more time for the actual creative and conceptual work.

Some say so, others say so.

In order not to unsettle their new colleagues, Aiko and Aiden have simply rendered friendly faces together, given themselves harmless-sounding names, and present themselves diplomatically in other ways as well: “I am designed to be helpful and efficient,” Aiden says happily, for example.

However, it is still unclear when customers will be able to look forward to presentable designs from the creative newcomers. According to the senior art director in charge, this is still beyond the capabilities of both young professionals at the moment.

Do we need to add non-human resources to human resources in the future? Time will tell whether we will continue to hear about the shortage of skilled workers or only about Aiko, Aiden and their friends …

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