Dance your shopping: shopping on TikTok.

Who doesn’t know it: You’ve barely blinked away three hours with TikTok Reels and there’s no time to go shopping. Fortunately, that’s over now, as TikTok is expanding its features to include an integrated online store that both businesses and creators can use.

Bye bye third party.

You have to do everything yourself? No, you can! At GROW Digital Group, we know that having a direct line to the right experts in your own group offers real advantages. This valuable insight has also matured at TikTok: Instead of awkwardly redirecting followers to third-party websites like the ad partner or Shopify to buy products, there is now the “TikTok Shop”: businesses can now create a business account and sell their products directly in the livestream.

Let’s go for the material Girls and Boys.

The great thing about TikTok is that you can find things every second that you never thought existed. Also for sale. And those who have exciting things to offer the TikTok generation can now find creators suitable for the target group via a partner program to promote and sell products. The extension enables the entire customer journey from product discovery to purchase to take place in the app. So you never have to leave the TikTok app again – why would you want to?