GROW united at OMR 2023!
GROW | 17.05.2023
This year, for the first time, GROW Digital Group had its own premium stand at the OMR Festival in Hamburg. Together with ChannelPilot, GROW was able to show what the agency network has to offer with over 150 employees from almost all agencies at OMR: Perfectly orchestrated cooperation, individually tailored to the customer's needs. If an agency had a discussion at the trade fair stand that also involved services from another agency, you could simply call in the contact person.
GROW's first major trade fair appearance was a complete success – we were able to make many valuable new contacts and the employees also networked well internally. In addition to the stand, we also had a lounge in the hall where the concerts took place in the evening. Here, too, we were able to offer business partners and customers an unforgettable experience! Key finding: OMR is indeed a very good networking event, with over 70,000 visitors it is definitely worth attending. Next year OMR will definitely see GROW Digital Group again!

News Blogger

Simone Jahnke