GROW Digital Group achieves 12th place in the iBusiness Internet Agency Ranking!

GROW | 30.07.2024

We are pleased to announce that GROW Digital Group has achieved 12th place in the latest iBusiness Internet Agency Ranking!
This represents a significant improvement on last year, when we were ranked 17th.

The iBusiness Internet Agency Ranking evaluates agencies according to criteria such as sales development, customer satisfaction, creativity and technical expertise.

"The ranking underlines our achievements for the digital growth of our customers and is a confirmation of the hard work, commitment and excellence of the GROW Digital Group," says our Managing Director Lutz Jurkat proudly.

Thanks to our fantastic team and our loyal customers for this great result!
Here's to even more joint success and digital innovations!

#GROWDigitalGroup #iBusinessRanking #DigitalAgency #Success #Innovation #Teamwork #DigitalMarketing

If you have any questions, please contact:
Simone Jahnke
Head of Marketing

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